Special Educational Needs & Disabilities (SEND)

A Commitment to Inclusivity

Churchtown Primary School  is an inclusive school.  Our aims for pupils with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities are the same as for all of our pupils; to provide access to a broad and balanced curriculum, full participation and the highest quality of education.  We understand the importance  of  making adjustments and personalisation of provision and building a picture based on the whole child.

Putting the child and family at the heart of our SEND processes

We have established a genuine culture of school, family, community and services working together. We actively encourage partnerships with parents, for instance through our CHIEFS ( Churchtown , Inclusion, Effective, Family, Support) for SEND issues. Our aim is to inform and involve parents as much as possible in school  and provide them with support, advice and access to services. Our parents appreciate this approach. 

We believe in person centred learning and pupils are  enabled to be active participants - expressing opinions, making choices and being involved in their education. We are lucky to have a very dedicated staff team, all of whom view themselves as teachers of all pupils, including those with SEND.

Our school SENDCo is Mrs Christie Tudor - her role is dedicated to SEND and inclusion support.

Mrs Tudor can be contacted directly through the school office,

Tel: 01704 508500

Email: office@churchtown.org.uk

The SEND Policy and Information Report- Is published on this website and  can be found in the link below. They are updated regularly after consultation with SEND parents, looking at different aspects of provision.

Local Authority Local Offer- Information about Sefton’s local offer regarding SEND can be found by clicking here: https://www.sefton.gov.uk/localoffer

Admissions procedures- Admission arrangements for children with special educational needs or disabilities follow Sefton's Admission Policy.


Where a child has an Education, Health, and Care Plan (EHCP) the SENDCo will always plan with the family and outside agencies prior to admission.

Accessibility Plan- Our school has a plan that outlines the steps we are continually taking to increase the extent that disabled pupils can participate fully in the school. Our plan and its rationale can be viewed in the Accessibility Plan link below.

Our school has a clear understanding of its duties to ensure equality of access and avoid discrimination for pupils with special educational needs and disabilities. We are a genuinely inclusive school, and we employ our best endeavours and make reasonable adjustments to ensure an individual’s needs are met. We are recognised as often going ‘above and beyond’ in these duties.

SEN Information

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