Mr Cocks
Sunflowers Class Teacher
Miss Wilson
Tulips Class Teachers
Mrs O-Grady
Bluebells Class Teacher
Mrs Langley
Bluebells Class Teacher
As they take their first steps into their learning journey in Reception, children at Churchtown are encouraged to be active and independent learners. Our high-quality learning environments are designed to provide opportunities for children to learn about the world through play, building upon prior learning and focussing on individual interests to suit the needs of all our children. Our nurturing staff develop strong relationships with children and families and work hard to provide memorable, exciting and personalised learning opportunities for all.
Throughout their time in Reception, children are given opportunities to learn through a range of teacher led, one-to-one, group and child led activities guided by the Development Matters framework, personalised to suit the needs of our children, ensuring we deliver a curriculum which is challenging, inspiring and adapted for all.
Children primarily learn through continuous provision, guided by play and their own imagination. Areas of provision are enhanced and planned around our 7 areas of learning (Communication and Language, Personal, Social and Emotional Development, Physical Development, Literacy, Maths, Understanding the World and Expressive Arts and Design). Children will also have opportunities to learn in our outdoor area and forest school so they can experience learning in different ways.
As well as learning new educational skills, we work on becoming members of a new school community. We learn to form new friendships, become more independent, follow structures and routines and to let our little personalities grow.
In Reception, the children will have PE on the following days:
Bluebells: Wednesday & Thursday
Sunflowers: Wednesday & Thursday
Tulips: Tuesday & Thursday
The children should come to school dressed in their PE kit. Our PE uniform is a navy tracksuit, (Navy hoodie is optional) white t-shirt or polo shirt and dark coloured trainers.
'Meet the Teacher' Information - Reception
Reception Curriculum Overview
In Reception the children follow the foundation stage curriculum. This prepares them for the learning journey ahead of them in later years. An enormous part of this learning is in the social and emotional areas of development; in other words helping the children get ready to be effective, independent learners who are happy and confident in the school environment. We also encourage the children to develop happy, supportive and positive relationships with their peers. We provide a rich, play based curriculum in which the adults facilitate the learning of the pupils through positive interaction.
The children learn the fundamental skills of literacy and mathematics that allow them to access the curriculum.
Home Tasks
In EYFS, we believe that this is the start of our journey, where we build relationships with yourselves as a family. As part of this relationship, we have provided a new ‘menu’ of suggested learning activities for your child to complete with you during this half term. These activities can be brought back into school and shared as part of our ‘show and tell’ sessions, where we encourage children to communicate in front of their peers as part of our drive to improve children’s speaking and listening at an early age. These activities are aimed at supporting your child’s learning and development in school.
In addition to the homework bingo(below), Children in Reception will also bring a library book each week to share at home with an adult. As you will appreciate, reading is fundamental to a child’s progress in all areas of the curriculum! Therefore, we expect all children to read with an adult a minimum three times per week. Later in the half-term, Reception children will bring a reading book home once they have learnt the first set of sounds. This will be a sound blending book and will match the sounds they have already been taught in school. Children should read this book daily to an adult at home. Once they can read this book confidently, they will move onto the next book.
High Frequency Words:
Each week, 5 high frequency words will be stuck into your child’s reading diary. Some of these words will be decodable and children will be able to apply their phonic knowledge to read them. Other words will be common exception words that do not follow the usual patterns and which children will need to learn by sight. Please support your child to read these words, and where appropriate to spell these also.
Reception - Spring 1 Suggested 'Homework Bingo' Activities
Reception - Autumn 2 Suggested 'Homework Bingo' Activities
Reception - Autumn 1 Suggested 'Homework Bingo' Activities
Useful Learning Links
Phonics: How to pronounce pure sound -
Phonics Games -
Top Marks – Maths Games -
Cricketweb – Literacy & Maths Games -