Year 1

Ms Coysh

Ms Coysh

Rabbits Class Teacher

Mrs Dowd

Mrs Dowd

Squirrels Class Teacher

Miss Crookes

Miss Crookes

Hedgehogs Class Teacher

PE / Field: Monday & Friday  

Welcome to Year 1! In Year 1 we continue to provide children with a broad and balanced curriculum that allows for creative thinking and the development of independent skills, building on all their hard work in Reception. We aim to teach this through a range of fun and exciting activities which underpin the learning of the key skills across the curriculum. Across the year we look at a wide range of topics with something to peak every child’s interest! We enjoy traditional tales such as Jack and the Beanstalk and The Gingerbread Man (which is accompanied by a trip to the local bakery!) and also newer stories set across the world such as Meerkat Mail and Emma Jayne’s Aeroplane. Children in Year 1 can also look forward to seasonal visits to the Botanic Gardens to enhance our Science curriculum and also our Year 1 educational visit to Imagine That! in Liverpool.

Year 1 Curriculum

School Clubs


Parent Information Afternoon


In Year 1, we believe that homework should consolidate the learning that has taken place in school and engage the children in sharing this new knowledge with their families.
To support with this , please choose and complete at least 6 activities from the grid below over the course of the half-term.

Homework can be recorded in the homework book or brought into school in any other form (photos, posters etc).

We teach the children to take pride and responsibility for their own work and therefore we expect each homework task to be completed with care and to the best of their ability.

Our weekly homework in Year 1 includes:

1. Our Curriculum Homework Menu
2. Reading - reading at home at least 3 times per week.
3. Maths - Practising number bonds to 10
4. Reading/spelling - 'Red Words' will be sent home each week for your child to read and practise spelling at home. Red words are common exception words – this means they are words that don’t always follow the usual phonics patterns when we read & spell these words. We will put our focus words inside your child’s reading records every week so they can practise reading & spelling these words at home. In class, we will learn to read and spell these words together throughout the week.

Homework should take no longer than approximately 20 minutes per week to complete.

Feedback for homework will primarily be given either verbally or through self/peer marking during whole-class feedback where appropriate. Teaching staff will ensure any misconceptions are addressed during feedback given to support progress and understanding.

Thank you for your continued support - we can't wait to see lots of amazing work!

Homework menu Summer 2 2023/24

Homework menu Summer 1 2023/24

Homework menu Spring 2 2023/24

Homework menu Spring 1 2023/24

Curriculum links

English Links: 

Phonics Audio Guide

Parent Video - How to say the Sounds?

Phonics Play 

Alphablocks - Phonics Videos   

Tricky Words Help

Oxford Owl - Reading

Maths Links: 

CBeebies - Number Blocks

BBC Super Movers (Maths)