Year 1
Ms Coysh
Rabbits Class Teacher
Mrs Finney
Squirrels Class Teacher
Mrs Crookes
Hedgehogs Class Teacher
Welcome to Year 1! In Year 1 we continue to provide children with a broad and balanced curriculum, delivering the National Curriculum through a range of activities and experiences that will enthuse children. Children will continue to develop their love of learning and build on the sills developed in Reception. We enjoy traditional tales such as Jack and the Beanstalk and the Gingerbread Man (which is accompanied by a trip to the bakery!) as well as newer stories set across the world, such as Meerkat Mail and Emma Jayne’s Aeroplane. Each half term will have different focus, often linked to the text we are reading. For example, when reading Emma Jayne’s Aeroplane, we will have a Geography focus and learn about the continents of the world.
Children in Year 1 can look forward to visits to Botanic Gardens and the bakery to support our learning in Science and Geography. Our Educational Visit will be to ‘Imagine That!’ in Liverpool and will offer the children range of learning opportunities.
In Year 1, we have PE on Wednesday and Thursday. On these days, all children must come to school dressed in their PE kit. This is a navy tracksuit with a round neck jumper or hoodie, and white t-shirt or polo shirt. Please could all children wear dark coloured trainers on these days also.
Year 1 Curriculum Overview
'Meet the Teacher' Information
School Clubs
Please click here to view our school clubs on offer for the Autumn term 2024.
Home Tasks:
In Year 1 we believe that homework should consolidate learning that has taken place in school and engage children in discussion about this with their family, allowing them to share their learning at home.
In Year 1, children will bring home 2 reading books per week. These are from our ‘Read Write Inc’ Phonics scheme and are matched to their phonic ability. We ask that all children read 3 times per week at home with and adult, which is then acknowledged in their child’s reading diary.
High Frequency Words:
Each week, 5 high frequency words will be stuck into your child’s reading diary. Some of these words will be decodable and children will be able to apply their phonic knowledge to read them. Other words will be common exception words that do not follow the usual patterns and which children will need to learn by sight. Please support your child to read these words, and where appropriate to spell these also.
During Year 1, the children will learn their number bonds, starting with number bonds to 10 and moving on from there when ready. These are two numbers that add together to make 10 e.g. 7 + 3 and 5 + 5. Please practice number bonds with your child each week.
Each half term the children will be provided with a Homework Menu. This will include 9 activities for them to choose from over the half term, completing 1 per week where possible. Evidence of homework can be recorded straight into the homework book or sent into school in any other form (photos, posters) etc. Each task should take no longer than around 20 minutes to complete. We encourage children to take pride in their work at school, presenting it as neatly as possible and to the best of their ability, and would encourage the same when completing homework.
Homework completed will be celebrated in the classroom at the end of the half term. Children will be given the opportunity to share their homework with their peers and adults in their classroom and verbal feedback will be given during this time.
Thank you for your continued support – we can’t wait to see lot of amazing work!
Homework menu Spring 1 2024/25
Homework menu Autumn 2 2024/25
Homework menu Autumn 1 2024/25
Links to further learning resources:
Phonics: How to pronounce pure sound -
Phonics Games -
Number Bonds to 10 -
Maths Games -