Year 2
Mrs Stalker
Robins Class Teacher
Mrs Davies
Owls Class Teacher
Mrs Thornley
Swans Class Teacher
A very warm welcome to Year 2! Throughout the year we want to inspire and nurture our children through fun and engaging opportunities offering them a broad and balanced curriculum that allows for creative thinking and the development of independent skills. We want to increase independence and resilience for their future, supporting our children to flourish and thrive. We aim to teach this through a range of fun and exciting activities, which underpin the learning of key skills across the curriculum. We celebrate our achievements in all areas of the curriculum and always encourage each other to follow our Churchtown values.
Our journey begins with immersing ourselves in quality texts such as ‘The Bog Baby’ and ‘Traction Man’ leading on to creative writing across a range of genres. Across the curriculum, we will explore other exciting experiences across a range of subjects as we will delve into researching historical figures such as Guy Fawkes, Christopher Columbus and Florence Nightingale and we will also journey around the world looking at whether we prefer living in a hot or cold place and what it is like to live by the coast.
For PE, we will be working alongside WLSP (West Lancashire Sports Partnership). The lessons are delivered by a team of highly experience Teachers and School Sport Specialists. In Year 2, our PE days are on MONDAY and WEDNESDAY. Our PE uniform is a navy tracksuit, (Navy hoodie is optional) white t-shirt or polo shirt and dark coloured trainers. Children are to attend school wearing their PE kit on those days.
Alongside these fantastic learning opportunities, the children should also look forward to, fieldwork in Botanic Gardens, taking part in a Year 2 performance and going on our school trip to Blackpool Zoo!
Year 2 Curriculum Overview
'Meet the Teacher' Information
School Clubs
Please click here to view our school clubs on offer for the Autumn term 2024.
In Year 2, we believe that homework should consolidate the learning that has taken place in school and inform families of the children’s learning as they share this knowledge with you at home.
To support this, please choose and complete 6 activities from the grid over the course of the half-term. Please can your child bring this in every Thursday so it can be celebrated in class on a Friday. Work can be completed in homework books or, where appropriate, brought in its original form e.g. a photograph or poster etc.
We teach the children to take pride and responsibility for their own work and we strive to develop their independence, therefore we expect each homework task to be completed with care and to the best of their ability.
Our weekly homework offer in Year 2 includes:
1. Curriculum Homework Menu (choice of activities – 1 per week)
2. Reading- please continue to aim to read with your child at least 3 times a week.
3. Maths - we would also like your child to continue to practise their maths at home, focusing on counting in steps of 2s, 5s and 10s. To support this, please practise your child’s Maths Passport. (These will be sent home twice weekly)
4. Focus words - We would like your child to practise their ‘red words’. Red words are common exception words – this means they are words that don’t always follow the usual phonics patterns when we read & spell these words. We will put our focus words inside your child’s reading records every week so they can practise reading & spelling these words at home. In class, we will learn to read and spell these words together throughout the week.
Homework should take no longer than approximately 20 minutes per week to complete.
Feedback for homework will primarily be given either verbally or through self/peer marking during whole-class feedback where appropriate. Teaching staff will ensure any misconceptions are addressed during feedback given to support progress and understanding.
We can’t wait to see your work! Thank you so much for your continued support!
Homework menu Spring 1 2024/25
Homework menu Autumn 2 2024/25
Homework menu Autumn1 2024/25
English Links: A brilliant website for children and parents. This contains loads of top tips on how you can best support your child with their reading. There are over 250 ebooks which you can access for free. - A further resource to help pupils practise the 'red words'.
Maths Links:
Counting - counting support
Number bond and timetable practise - A resource to help pupils further develop and embed their number bond & timestables knowledge