Year 3
Miss Suffell
Oak Class Teacher
Ms Staples
Elm Class Teacher
Miss Everitt
Fir Class Teacher
Welcome to Year 3 at Churchtown Primary School. In Year 3, we encourage children to develop their skills of independence, build on the skills they have learned during their time in KS1 and apply them to a broad and balanced curriculum. We aim to develop a love of learning through a range of activities and opportunities which draws on those skills of independence and enables children to become life long learners.
We will start the year off by looking at why people live near volcanoes. Through this unit of work, we will find out about the layers of the Earth and how mountains are formed. We will then move on to understanding how earthquakes happen and the effects of living near volcanoes. In Autumn 2, we will be travelling back in time a couple of thousand years to Ancient Rome to find out how they expanded their empire, why they invaded Britain and what they left behind that we still use today.
In the Spring term, we will be going on another journey to Antarctica where we will learn about the physical and human features of polar regions and follow the journey of the explorer Shackleton. We will then travel back in time to look at what happened after the Romans had left Britain and how the Anglo-Saxons came to settle in Britain.
We will finish the year learning about the Vikings and how they invaded Britain whilst also learning about the gods they worshipped through the Norse myths. We then move on to exploring different types of settlements and make land use comparisons with our local area and a settlement in India to find the similarities and differences between these two contrasting areas.
The children can also look forward to visiting ‘Deva’ in Chester, where they will experience Roman life and even march through Chester as Roman soldiers!
Year 3 PE days are:
All classes Wednesday
Oak Tuesday Elm Thursday Fir Friday
PE/field kit requirements are:
• Navy Tracksuit (Navy hoodie is optional)
• White t-shirt or polo shirt
• Dark coloured trainers
Please ensure all items are clearly labelled with your child’s full name.
Year 3 Curriculum Overview
'Meet the Teacher' Information Y3
School Clubs
Please click here to view our school clubs on offer for the Autumn term 2024.
Kidsafe Session Outline
Home tasks
In Year 3, we believe that homework should consolidate the learning that has taken place in school and inform families of the children’s learning as they share this knowledge with you at home. To support this, we offer a ‘buffet’ of activities each half term for children to complete. We ask that children choose 6 of these activities to be completed over the half term and books to be brought in during the last week of the half term so that work can be celebrated in class. We teach the children to take pride and responsibility for their own work and we strive to develop their independence, therefore we expect each homework task to be completed with care and to the best of their ability.
In addition to this, we ask that children aim to read at least 3 times a week with an adult and practise their spellings which will be added to reading diaries each week. The children should also access TT Rockstars to practise their times tables regularly.
Thank you for your continued support.
Year 3 Homework menu Spring 1 24/25
Year 3 Homework menu Autumn 2 24/25
Year 3 Homework menu Autumn 1 24/25
Home Learning Links:
Times Table Rock Stars
White Rose Maths – - We use the White Rose scheme of learning to teach Mathematics at school. The website has a section for parents and carers that offers activities for children and resources including video’s for parents that demonstrate clearly and simply how to that help children complete maths-based activities successfully.
Reading – The Oxford Owl website - - provides advice and activities for children to support reading at home. This includes a free e-book library and reading activities.
Spelling – The Oxford Owl website - - contains information including a video for parents on how to help with Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar as well as links to online games to support spelling at home.