Year 5
Mr Bowen
Alder Class Teacher
Mrs L Shawcroft
Larch Class Teacher
Mrs Hopkins
Alder Class Teacher
Miss Doran
Beech Class Teacher
Miss Wynne
Juniper Class Teacher
Year 5
Welcome to Year 5! During your time in Year 5, we continue to provide children with a broad and balanced curriculum that allows for creative thinking and the development of independent skills. We aim to teach this through a range of fun and exciting activities which underpin the learning of key skills across the curriculum. Furthermore, this year there will be a strong emphasis on the development of children’s mathematical and English skills, preparing them for the challenges of the Year 6 curriculum.
If exciting topics is what you are after, then Year 5 is the place for you! We kick start the year, reading Malamander by Thomas Taylor. Set in Eerie-on-Sea, it is full of wonderful characters and some very strange happenings, all investigated by the resident Lost-and Founder at the Grand Nautilus Hotel, Herbert Lemon and his trusty sidekick, Violet Parma. It will be our stimulus for creative writing! Later in the year, the children will delve back in time exploring Ancient Greece and the Victorians, before blasting off to Space using another quality text about the moon landings: Where Once We Stood. This is just a glimpse of what is to come.
Alongside some of school’s most exciting topics, the children should also look forward to: Victorian Day, where the children will be transported back in time to a typical day in a Victorian school, swimming, where they will receive tuition for 7 weeks before hopefully passing their National Curriculum assessment and performing their carol concert at St Cuthbert’s Church. Our curriculum trip will also be confirmed and announced as soon as possible.
Year 5 Curriculum Overview
'Meet the Teacher' Year 5 Information
School Clubs
Please click here to view our school clubs on offer for the Autumn term 2024.
Home tasks
In Year 5, we believe that homework is a vital tool in consolidating recent learning and embedding learning into a child’s long-term memory - this is proven to help progress. Weekly activities will focus on preparing children for Year 6 and beyond.
Our weekly homework offer in Year 5 includes:
1. A reading comprehension or a maths task each week to consolidate learning (this will alternate each week)
2. Reading- please continue to aim to read with your child at least 3 times a week.
3. Maths - We would also like your child to continue to practise their times tables at home – Times Tables Rockstars ( is a useful resource to use to help support with pupils practising this at home. Their login details are in the font of their reading diaries and this should be accessible for all children.
4. Spellings- To support with our reading and writing work in school, we will send home each week a spelling rule and linked words so you are aware of what is being covered as part of our work in school. This rule will be taught and practised throughout the following week in school and we wanted to send this home so, where possible, children can practise this at home. Children will have the chance to learn, practise and apply this rule in class through a range of activities and quizzes as part of our RWI spelling programme.
We teach the children to take pride and responsibility for their own work and we strive to develop their independence, therefore we expect each homework task to be completed with care and to the best of their ability.
Homework should take no longer than approximately 40 minutes per week to complete.
Feedback for homework will primarily be given either verbally or through self/peer marking during whole-class feedback where appropriate. Teaching staff will ensure any misconceptions are addressed during feedback given to support progress and understanding.
Thank you so much for your continued support!
PSHE Information
Times Table Rockstars -
Eedi -
Google Classroom -